Becoming an exhibitor/sponsor is your chance to come face-to-face with key individuals that work in the Crane and Lifting Industry.

$5,000 (Limit of 4)
Logo with hyperlink on the conference pages of www.cranesafe.com
Logo featured prominently in all conference promotional materials, preliminary and on-site program
Logo on signage at the conference registration desk and throughout the conference
One 10x20 exhibit booth at the Conference Expo
Special recognition & signage as Luncheon Sponsor ~ Sponsor Logo displayed at the Welcoming Reception ~
3 Complimentary Full Conference Registrations

$3,000 (Limit of 3)
Logo with hyperlink on the conference pages of www.cranesafe.com
Logo featured prominently in all conference promotional materials, preliminary and on-site program
Logo on signage at the conference registration desk and throughout the conference
One 10x10 exhibit booth at the Conference Expo
Special recognition and signage as a Lunch Sponsor
3 Complimentary Full Conference Registrations

$2,000 (Limit of 3)
Logo with hyperlink on the conference pages of www.cranesafe.com
Logo featured prominently in all conference promotional materials, preliminary and on-site program
Logo on signage at the conference registration desk and throughout the conference
One 10x10 exhibit booth at the Conference Expo
Special recognition and signage as a Breakfast Sponsor
1 Complimentary Full Conference Registrations

Logo with hyperlink on the conference pages of www.cranesafe.com
Logo featured prominently in all conference promotional materials, preliminary and on-site program
One 8x10 Table Top REception Area placed out site of main session rooms
1 Complimentary Full Conference Registrations

Logo with hyperlink on the conference pages of www.cranesafe.com
Logo featured prominently in all conference promotional materials, preliminary and on-site program
For more information contact: 800.654.5640 | nacbgroup@cranesafe.com